Privateer Press Full (15.5W x 8.5L)
(Trollbloods) Trollbloods Kit for the Hordes Bag (PP)
£72.00In this kit, you will receive five trays that fit the following models: 35x Smaller Based Hordes Models 44x Medium Based Hordes Models 6x Long Riders with Heros 11x Warbeasts 3x Bombers or Maulers 1x Swamp Troll 3x Earthborn Trolls or...BF-PPF-TBK£72.00 -
(Cyrx) Cryx Kit for the Warmachine Bag (PP)
£68.00In this kit, you will receive five trays that fit the following models: 70x Smaller Based Warmachine Models 15x Bane Knights of any style 15x Bane Thralls of any style 16x Jacks, Solos or Warcasters 1x Lich Lord Terminus 1x Harrower or...BF-PPF-CXK£68.00 -
(Legion) Legion of Everblight Kit for the Hordes Bag (PP)
£70.00In this kit, you will receive five trays that fit the following models: 70x Smaller Based Hordes Models 22x Medium Based Hordes Models 1x Ravagore 1x Carnivean 2x Angelius 2x Seraph 1x Scythean 1x Typhon 1x Nyss and Hellion One 3 inch (76...BF-PPF-LEK£70.00 -
(Legion) Archangel Kit for the Big Bag with Wheels
£59.00This kit is made to fit in the Privateer Press Big Bag with Wheels. It is the perfect kit to hold an Archangel with the wings attached and additional models. In this kit, you will receive the following trays: 1x Archangel with Wings Foam...BF-PPF-AAK£59.00