Game Box Foam Trays
DreadBall Foam Kit for Game Box
£32.00The DreadBall Foam Kit was designed to work with the new DreadBall Futuristic Sports Game by Mantic Games. This kit comes with two trays that will fit the entire contents of the box and will allow for an easy fit inside your official game box. Custom...BF-MIS-DBK£32.00 -
HeroQuest Against the Ogre Horde Game Box Foam Tray (MIS-2.5)
£15.00*This item has an estimated production time of 4 - 5 weeks, and your complete order will ship to you at this time. This tray can hold the contents of the HeroQuest Against the Ogre Horde Quest Pack. This includes all of the miniatures, terrain, tokens,...BF-MIS-HQATOH£15.00 -
Marvel United Kickstarter Miniature Exclusive Game Box Foam Tray Kit
£24.00*This item has an estimated production time of 4 - 5 weeks, and your complete order will ship to you at this time. The Marvel United Kickstarter Miniature Exclusive Game Box Kit will hold the entire game's contents. The foam kit will fit perfectly...BF-MIS-MUMINIEX£24.00 -
Warcry Catacombs Box Set Foam Kit
£45.00*This item has an estimated production time of 4 - 5 weeks, and your complete order will ship to you at this time. The Warcry Catacombs Box Set foam kit will hold the contents of the Warcry Catacombs Starter Box game. The trays will fit perfectly inside...BF-MIS-WCCATACMBB£45.00 -
Aeronautica Imperialis Wings of Vengeance Game Box Foam Tray with Stems Glued In
Zombicide Black Plague Foam Tray Kit
£26.00*This item has an estimated production time of 4 - 5 weeks, and your complete order will ship to you at this time. The Zombicide Black Plague foam kit will hold the entire game's contents. The foam kit will fit perfectly inside the box. It's...BF-MIS-ZBPK£26.00 -
Warhammer Underworlds: Embergard Game Box Foam Tray (MIS-2)
£13.00*This item has an estimated production time of 4 - 5 weeks, and your complete order will ship to you at this time. This tray can hold the contents of the Warhammer Underworlds: Embergard Game Box within the Box itself. Four sets of cards, sleeved, can...BF-MIS-WUEG£13.00 -
Super Dungeon Explore: Forgotten King Foam Tray Kit
£27.00The Forgotten King foam tray kit will hold the entire game's contents. The foam kit will fit perfectly inside the box. It's a great way to protect and organize all of the game pieces. The game board tiles and rulebooks can be...BF-MIS-SDEFKK£27.00 -
Clash of Steel American vs. Soviet Starter Set Foam Tray (MIS-1.5)
£28.00*This item has an estimated production time of 4 - 5 weeks, and your complete order will ship to you at this time. This tray is designed to be used inside of the Clash of Steel American vs. Soviet Starter Set Box. The foam tray will hold all 21...BF-MIS-COSAVS£28.00 -
HeroQuest The Mage of the Mirror Foam Tray Kit for Game Box
£22.00*This item has an estimated production time of 4 - 5 weeks, and your complete order will ship to you at this time. The HeroQuest The Mage of the Mirror Foam Tray Kit for Game Box will hold the entire contents of the HeroQuest The Mage of the Mirror...BF-MIS-HQMAGEMIR£22.00 -
Marvel United Core and Infinity Gauntlet Game Box Foam Tray (MIS-1.5)
£12.00*This item has an estimated production time of 4 - 5 weeks, and your complete order will ship to you at this time. This foam tray will hold the miniatures for the Marvel United Core Game and the Infinity Gauntlet Game Box. The foam tray will fit inside...BF-MIS-MUCOREIGAU£12.00 -
Marvel United 5 Expansion Game Box Foam Tray (MIS-2)
£13.00*This item has an estimated production time of 4 - 5 weeks, and your complete order will ship to you at this time. This foam tray will hold the miniatures for the Marvel United Rise of the Black Panther, Guardians of the Galaxy Remix, Enter the...BF-MIS-MU5EXGB£13.00 -
Night's Watch Board Game Box Foam Tray Kit
£25.00The Night's Watch Board Game Box Kitt will hold the entire game's contents. The foam kit will fit perfectly inside the box. It's a great way to protect and organize all of the game pieces. The game board tiles and rulebooks can be...BF-MIS-NWBGK£25.00 -
Rum & Bones Core Game Foam Tray Kit
£36.00*This item has an estimated production time of 4 - 5 weeks, and your complete order will ship to you at this time. The Rum & Bones Core Game foam kit will hold the entire game's contents. The foam kit will fit perfectly inside the box...BF-MIS-RBCK£36.00 -
Krosmaster Arena Game Board Foam Kit
£33.00The Krosmaster Arena Game Board kit will hold the entire game's contents plus extra models. The foam kit will fit perfectly inside the box. It's a great way to protect and organize all of the game pieces, terrain, board tiles, and rulebooks. Half...BF-MIS-KMAK£33.00 -
HeroQuest Rise of the Dread Moon Game Box Foam Tray (MIS-2.5)
£15.00*This item has an estimated production time of 4 - 5 weeks, and your complete order will ship to you at this time. The HeroQuest Rise of the Dream Moon Game Box Foam Tray will hold the entire contents of the Rise of the Dread Moon Game...BF-MIS-HQRISEDM£15.00