Finding a Foam Solution for a Warhammer 40k Army

Here lies a great guide on how to go from start to finish creating a great solution for protecting your miniatures. You already made the best first step, which was picking us! Now let’s see if we can navigate these foamy waters together.

1.  Make a list of your models. You will want to list all vehicles and irregularly sized models, then lump all your troops by base size. Be sure to include what heights you need with the orientation you want them to rest, either laying down or standing up. I will go with the most used, laying down. Here is a real-world example for an Astra Militarium (Imperial Guard) Army.

The List of Models:
  1x Baneblade - 5” tall
  1x Stormlord - 5” tall
  1x Banesword - 5” tall
  2x Basilisks Artillery - 4” tall
  2x Medusa Artillery - 4” tall
  2x Manticores - 4” tall
  4x Chimeras - 4” tall
  7x Sentinels - 5” tall
  1x Vulture - 4.5” tall
  2x Valkyries - 4” tall
  2x Wyverns - 4” tall
  2x Hydras - 4” tall
  6x Leman Russ Tanks - 3” tall
  4x Command Squads - 1.5” tall
  177x 25mm Troops - 1” tall
  23x Heavy Weapons Teams - 1.5” tall
  6x Bullgryns - 1.5” tall
  5x Ogryns - 1.5” tall

2.  Next start searching the website by the names of the different vehicles. For example, searching Baneblade shows our 2 Baneblade (And Variants) Foam Tray. This will take care of 2 of our 3 Lords of War. We will cover how to protect the third later.


3.  After finding what trays are available for each vehicle, you can start to piece together a list of pre-designed trays. Make sure to be mindful of the tray heights. Here is what I came up with.

The List of Pre-Designed Trays:
  1x 2 Baneblade Foam Tray – 5” tall (BF -BFL-2BB5)
  1x 3 Basilisk 24 Heavy Weapons Foam Tray – 4” tall (BF-BFL-3BS24HW)
  1x 6 Warhammer 40,000 Tank Foam Tray – 3” tall (BF-BFL-6T)
  1x 6 Warhammer 40,000 Tank Foam Tray - 4” tall (BF-BFL-6T4)
  2x 1 Valkyrie 2 Tank 4 Heavy Weapon Foam Tray – 4” tall (BF-BFL-1V2T4HW)
  2x 60 Large Model Foam Tray – 1” tall (BF-BFL-60LM)
  1x 40 Small 6 Large 8 Tall Model Troop Foam Tray – 1.5” tall (BF-BFL-40S6L8T)
  1x Primaris Marine Beta Troop Foam Tray – 1.5” tall (BF-BFL-PRMB)

If you look through the selected trays, you can see where the models will go. The 6x Leman Russ Tanks will go in the 3” tall 6 Warhammer 40,000 Tank Foam Tray. The Valkyries will go in the 1 Valkyrie 2 Tank 4 Heavy Weapon Foam Trays, where this is also room for the Wyverns and Hydras. Most of the 25mm troops will go in the 60 Large Model Foam Trays, and so on.

4.  Now with most of my bases covered (no pun intended), you still need storage for 1x Baneblade, 7x Sentinels, 1x Basilisk, and the Vulture Gunship. This is where the Custom Tray Creator® will help! You can design a custom tray to finish the list perfectly. Here is the Custom Tray Creator® design.


As you can see, this tray will take care of the last Baneblade and all 7x Sentinels. The only models left that need a foam tray are the Vulture Gunship and 1x Basilisk, now what?

5.  Well, Battle Foam does not have a pre-designed tray for the Vulture Gunship or the shape on the Custom Tray Creator® . What do I do now? There are two options! First, you can trace your model. This trace will be used to create a second custom foam tray. For the second option, you can choose to go with a pluck foam tray. Either option will work, and you will have leftover space for the last Basilisk. Job Done!


If you need help with anything or have questions, please call or email us.  We are here to help protect your army!